How to Participate
Step 1: Register to become a member on the IQRR members site
Click the "Register" button on the Home section of this website
When redirected, fill in the required fields
Click the "Complete Sign Up" button
Check your email to activate your account
Click the link within the email (from iqrr@vtc.vt.edu)
When redirected, click the "Activate" button
Congratulations, you are now a registered member!
Step 2: Take "The New Recovery Hero" Assessment
Login to the Members Site
Click on the "Research" Tab
Click "Assessments"
Scroll down to "The New Recovery Hero" Assessment
Click the "Take Assessment" button
Have fun and answer as honestly as possible
Once you complete this initial assessment, you will unlock a variety of other assessments opportunities
Step 3: Redeem your points for money
Login to the Members Site
Click on the "Research" Tab
Click "Redeem Points"
Click the "Redeem Now" button
Upon receiving your RRR redemption request, we will use PayPal to send money to your account’s e-mail address within 1-2 weeks.